The Chebe Bread Story
People ask us all the time how this delicious bread came to be, and how it got its name.
My wife, Ju, was born and raised in Brazil. During travels to Brazil, she introduced me to a unique bread product she had grown up with called "pão de queijo".
Pão de queijo is a Brazilian "cheese bread" (direct translation) served everywhere you go in Brazil. It's sold in grocery stores, street food trucks, and fine restaurants alike. One taste of the crispy crust and chewy inside, and you’ll understand.
When we left Brazil, we decided to take it with us and share it with you. This is where our story takes a little twist.
We started Chebe Bread in 1999, and we never even intended to market a gluten-free product! It just so happened that our naturally gluten-free bread was a hit with those suffering from gluten intolerance, Celiac Disease, and other food allergies.
Shortly thereafter, Ju coincidentally began to experience health problems that triggered a severe intolerance to gluten. Health challenges are difficult for any family to navigate, especially in the early 2000s when so few people had awareness of gluten. However, we were lucky. We were connected to a dynamic, collaborative, supportive community of people in our same shoes. They helped us, and we helped them - sharing our versatile bread mixes with people across the country. After all, who doesn't love to break bread at the end of the day?
From that day forward, we've been committed to make shopping easier for those with gluten and allergen issues. Because simple, natural products taste better and are better for you, we strive to keep Chebe Bread products natural with as few ingredients as possible.
That’s our story. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy making them. Tasty, fun to eat, and free of many common allergens…that’s Chebe Bread!
Dick Reed, Founder

Chebe’s Original Cheese Bread was inspired by a unique Brazilian bread called pão de queijo. Available in a dry mix.